Monday, October 29, 2007


Today we had aRcHeRy at school. Seri-ouslee. aRcHeRy. It was in the hall. When we got there, there were a row of styrofoam boards with targets on them. Our class had to sit there for like soo long before the lame 5p and 5sy peeps came and we could start.

At first, "the bossy guy", ( I suppose he's in charge), came and LeCtUrEd us on how to do the damn sport. I guess it took about 1/2 and hr. Well, I've done it before and it's not too bad. Ky was like sToNiNg OuT. So was a kajillion other people. Oh well. Lets continue.

We got into tiny groups. Natuarlly, Ky and I went with Min, Lyss, Sammy and Nicole. I mean, duh! They're our classmates right? Then "the bossy guy" came and was like 'you two move to this group.' In the end we had to move to another group and we were the OnLy, I repeat, oNly 5c peeps there,which sucked lah.

L8r, we FiNaLly got to shoot! I shot 3 or 4 bullseyes and the rest on the red and bloo circles. Ky was like ' ArgH! I HaTe archery! Damn! Stupid arrow!' I guess. If I say more n' she reads this she'll KilL me.

ITE, (In The End), we were bored out of our skulls. As much as I like archery, I don't really like today's session. Oh wells. Toodle.


bowler said...

you r right faith lai i will kill you but lets 4get that thx anyway for mentioning me!{sacarstic voice}yups i totally agree with you that fat mans real bossy